Trademark Application

The Japan Trademark Law adopts the first-to-file, first-to-win system and the Nice Classification System of classifying goods and services for the purposes of registering trademarks. Besides, in order to register, trademark users must submit an application to the Japan Patent Office (JPO).

Trademark registration with the JPO confers the nationwide right to exclusive use of the mark. This is a conclusive reason why trademark application in a timely manner is important for establishing a strong trademark right in Japan.

Other benefits of trademark registration include:

  • the ability to prevent any identical or similar mark from registering
  • the ability to use the registration symbol (®)
  • the use of the Japanese Customs Service to police trademarks; and
  • Granting of a security interest over a registered trademark.

MARKS IP Law Firm has experience securing trademarks in Japan and internationally. Our knowledge and skill for preparing applications ensure meeting all the requirements of the JPO, providing for a streamlined review through the examination process.

The list of documents and requirements needed for filing a trademark application are mentioned below:

  • Name, address and nationality of the applicant.
  • The logo or trademark to be registered in jpeg format
  • The goods and services and class of such goods and services for which the trademark has to be registered.
  • Duly filed application form
  • Power of attorney